A different Campus surrounded by Nature
Join us for 5 days in contact with horses and ponies surrounded by nature! Walk, workshops, games, summer homework assistant, riding and vaulting lessons, Orienteering, outdoor education and outdoor gymnastic. Lots of ENGLISH! Water games and team games.
Throughout the summer for children aged from 4 to 13.
The project aims to introduce children to the practice of speaking in a different language by learning words in English and short dialogues to talk about nature and playing, approaching learning a foreign language without fear.
The children have great abilities to absorb information like a sponge when it concerns what they are exploring and enjoy them.

Children learn to love, respect and correctly comunicate with an intelligent and cognitive animal. They learn to mediate the situations and to use communication based on mutual respect. Finally, they learn to understand how ethology and ethic are important to approach an animal with respect.
All our animals live free in paddocks designed to allow them a life as close as possible, to the one they would have in nature and they can play and interact with us thanks to a training based on positive reinforcement.
Organization Details
Discounts for several weeks and for brothers or sisters – Minimum 6 children per week, we ask for a registration fee of 50 € including ASI insurance.
TIMETABLE 8.00 – 17.30 – there is the possibility to leave the children at 7.30 and pick them up after the end of the activities with a forewarning. The timetable are flexible and it is possible to come till 9.00 a.m, or stay half day or a single day. Contact us to have more information.
Packed lunch and a water bottle– Because of the many dynamic activities and the continuous movement during the day we suggest a rich packed lunch, or various snacks to eat during the day. Fresh water is available to fill bottles when necessary.
Clothes -For horse riding activities, closed shoes or boots and long trousers. For hot hours, a lighter change of clothes and a towel to dry off after the water games. A hat for activities in the sun. Sunglass and mosquito spray. Kway or raincoats if it rains (We will do most of the activities outdoors but we may move from one place to another ).
All day horse riding- we suggest a more compact lunch than usual (to fit them all in a single backbag)

Rain and the joy of bareback riding

For those who wants to register and have more information contact us to numbers 3299555888 Miriam or 3480301366 Alessia, we will send you a form to fill for registration, insurance and to collect information about allergies, intolerances, emergencies etc.
If you like to know us, you are welcome to visit us or to take part in one of the open events we plan during the year. Visit our Instagram or Fceabook page to have the most update information.

Miriam Barattoni, Qualified riding istructor with decades of experience in the sector

Paolo Rodi, diploma in agriculture and specialized in land and animal care

Alessia Mercanzin, degree in Foreign Languages and Literature, Life Coach, Mindfulness