Lessons, trail rides, workshops

Riding lessons on ponies

Half or full hour lessons with our ponies.

Let’s learn from childhood to communicate and create longlasting friendship with the help of our pony friends. We want to share with the children what we’ve learned about loving nature, and how to have fun safely, exploring the forest. We will teach in a playful manner having age appropriate games and exercises, but the techincal details are all there and are the basis of a solid seat, great balance, and great training and communication skills that your child will keep for life.

All lessons have a groundwork part, where we will teach how to brush and saddle up the pony, and a few horsemanship exercises, a part on the saddle, with games focused on developing proprioception, balance and self confidence, and a small relaxing trailride either in the wineyard or in the forest. The lesson will end with a moment to groom and thank the pony, and maybe give them a few carrots!

Horse riding lessons for adults

Miriam, the istructor, teaches very personalised lessons according to the specific needs of the client. Her multidisciplinar background gives both the possibility to discuss specific needs and of the horse or client, and the type of exercise might greatly vary. For your seat, you might have a very traditional longe lesson for your seat, or a bareback and learn to follow lesson or a vaulting lesson focused on breathing and relaxing, all depending on what you actually need. Same for everything else. Lessons are based on positive reinforcement, dialogue and feedback, respect the horse and learning to listen. Lessons can be both on groundwork and/or riding depending on what you and the horse are studying at the time. Lesson duration is around 50 minutes, the starting time is for when the lesson start, so come to the barn at least 30 minutes earlier to prepare your own horse.

Trail rides under 14

For the italian law under 14 years old you can’t ride indipendently on public and municipal roads. We therefore need a qualified horse handler for each kid if we plan to take longer trail rides, or we can stay within the farm. Possible trail rides are in between half hour to one and a half hour, and we have wineyard, the blueberry field, the forest, the chestnut path, the cherry tree path, and the lonely hut path. So so many different places to explore!

Adult trail ride

We have a very nice trekking and trail ride group, and we have every weekend. With reservation we organize trail rides from one hour or more for adults and anyone above 14 years old. We can prepare the horses both with english or western saddles.

The woods behind Taino have wonderful paths that opens on cultivations and wonderful views of the lake away from traffic, cars and noises.

The trail rides are really in the forest and some of the paths have different kind of thorny plants like wild blackberries, so comfortable and resistant clothing is recommended, anything similar to jeans works well.

In hand walks

For anyone that for any reason wants to live and experience the horse from the ground we can have wonderful walks with our horses or ponies to discover the forest and the area as they explore it.

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