Equiclicker & Rodi Equitazione A.S.D.
Sede legale: Via vignola 49, 21020 Taino (VA) – P.Iva 03838090128
Email: info@rodiequitazione.it
To participate in the activities and courses of the association and take advantage of ASI agreements, you can become a member by filling out the online form downloadable at the bottom of the page. Payment can be made at the association’s headquarters or by bank transfer (Intesa Bank Account, Made out to ASD Equiclicker & Rodi Equitazione, IBAN: IT59N0306909606100000185873). You can send the completed form and the payment receipt to: info@rodiequitazione.it.
The cost of the annual membership card is 40.00 euros.
For members who want to engage in sports or equestrian activities at the association, an ASI insurance card is also required. There are various types available with different coverage depending on the sports you wish to pursue. For equestrian activities, the following are recommended: Type C, Type C1, Type C1 Gold.
The membership card is valid for one year, with expiration 365 days from the subscription date.
ASI – Italian Social Sports Associations
We have chosen to affiliate with ASI-Lombardia, as it is in line with our statutory objectives.
They offer a wide range of insurance cards for members, which you can read about in detail on this page.
Documenti per i soci
Membership Form | Modulo_tesseramento (italian only) |
Association Bylaws | statuto.pdf (Italian only) |